
Strategizing for next year's case comp

Ericsson Nanjing - this team had an advantage working together as a team for 3 other occassions, team dynamics had already been forged coming into this competition. Their preparation strategy last night was spent watching American Idol, an insight beyond this competition, I just found out that Michael Sarver got booted. NOOO!!!!

Ericsson Johannesburg - the minute we were done with this team's interviews, we heard "oh no, where were we, they distracted us, can we rewind the time?" Johannesburg also showed the BU organizing committee and volunteers the most lurve (evidently displayed in a poster on the team room's door).

Ericsson Manila
- this was the most conflicting team by far. One participant was "out for the kill" and the other was all peace and said "we're not here to instill violence!".

Ericsson Buenos Aires
: the university this team represents will initiate an internal competition from next year, sending the top team from the internal selection to next year's case competition. Looks like each university is going to prepare their teams well before entering next year's competition!

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